Thursday, April 29, 2010

20100429 Cartons boxes in the trash

I saw these carton boxes at the red recycling bin this morning. These must be from the new tenant who moved in (#02-04). Somehow, in the afternoon, I was surprised that the carton boxes were all thrown into the big trash bin outside. How did this ? These carton boxes are definitely recyclable. Such a waste !

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

20100426 Inconsiderate

I just don't understand why people are so lazy to put the things INTO the bin ?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

20100412 Unsightly

I kept wondering, why won't people (a) put the things INTO the bin, or (b) when the bin is full, wait for the next time ? I find this very unsightly ! This is fire hazard and health hazard. Took this picture on 12 Apr 2010 (Monday). Hope that the Veolia people will come on time tomorrow to clear it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

NEA replied my email. They contacted Veolia. Apparently the problem was Veolia cannot contact our cleaner. Following NEA's action, they contacted our cleaner and arranged for it to push the bin outside. Veolia visited again in the evening and collected the items.

When I saw it outside the gate yesterday evening, I thought oh no ! Other karang guni might have taken the items away. I am not sure what is left. Or was it just Veolia who emptied the recycling bin.

We only have a part-time cleaner. Small estate. We don't need a full time cleaner. And we don't have any security guard. Therefore the gates are locked all the time (although some irresponsible people still sometime left it open, but this is a separate issue).

Is leaving the recycling bin outside a solution ? It is really up to Veolia. Our recycling scheme is one that 'we don't need to pay Veolia for the collection' (in other bigger estates, they have to pay the collector to collect the recycling items - on top of the regular daily waste collection) because they can collect the valuable items (papers) and off-set with the cost of collecting non-valuable items (plastic). If we leave the bin outside, there is a risk that the more valuable items will be taken away by someone else. So what is left for Veolia ?

It looks like there isn't a good solution at this point in time - while NEA is pushing ahead for national recycling programmes. URA is allowing more and more small apartments like ours to be built (just look around Telok Kurau, how many cranes are many sign boards and banners on new development projects).

So whose problem is this ? How to solve it ?

20100406 Recycling Bin Is Not Cleared Again

Veolia is back to the same old pattern least last week was also not collected.
Someone was saying that this could be a fire hazard, with the dry paper boxes on it. All you need is just one cigarette butt from you know who - there are not many smokers in this apartment.
I took this picture in the afternoon and called NEA. Told the officer that I am going to create this blog and put up a picture everytime Veolia did not clear the bin on scheduled collection day (Tuesday).

20091207 Recycling Bin is Full Again

20091207 I Emailed to NEA.
20091209 NEA contacted Veolia.

20091024 Recycling Bin is Full

20091015 - Our managing agent (Bond Properties) contacted Veolia by email.
20091024 - I took photograph (above).
20091027 - Our managing agent email photograph to Veolia.
20091030 - I contacted NEA by email.
20091031 - Veolia finally cleared the bin.